Sunday, November 14, 2010

Working on my garden again. (今日も庭仕事。)

I went to the preston market after a long while. The market is always crowded on Saturdays because they mark down virtually everything from vegies to meat to flowers.


First I bought some seedlings of basil, strawberry and chilli at the green grocery near the entrance. I should've leave it to last, it was a pain in the butt having to wiggle through the overwhelming crowd carrying the bag with fragile seedlings in it.
Fortunately, they were still going strong by the time I got on the bus, which was pretty impressive considering the harsh heat this afternoon and getting knocked by people at the market.


Once I got home I decided to finally pull out weeds by the fence and around the garage. The ground was still damp from all the rain we've had over the last couple of weeks. Since I had been procrastinating it for weeks, the weeds were out of control and were already as tall as my waist.


Just two weeks ago we mowed the lawn in the front and back yard and filled 3 large bags with grass, and this afternoon I got another 3 massive bagfuls of weeds and grass...and still haven't finished yet.
Well, I can't weed the whole garden all at once, so I'll finish one spot at a time.


After this massive job, I transplanted the seedlings. This time I decided to plant them in the compost directly. There's a small concern with regards to the insects problem, since the compost is said to attract flies and stuff. However, flies are seen anywhere in my garden and it wasn't like heaps of flies were around the compost. Plus I often see other vegies and fruits popping out of the compost bed (obviously coming from the kitchen waste like vegetable peels and half rotten fruits), perhaps because the nourished soil is ideal for the hardy performance of the plants.
Anyway, let's see how they go.


The mint that my co-volunteer gave me is going strong. Silverbeet and spinach are also in great condition. I'd have to find some recipes using silverbeet though.


Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day, too.
Time to hit the sack.


1 comment:

  1. Garden Weasel Crabgrass Killer is a natural weed killer used to kill crabgrass, chickweed, and other similar weeds. Cinnamon bark is the active ingredient. This product is especially effective on clovers of all kinds.
