Thursday, December 16, 2010

10 more days to Christmas.

For me as a child, Christmas was a day when I find a study book under my pillow in the morning. It was exactly the same every year and there was no way Santa could've chosen such a pressie for a girl.
But sometimes either dad or one of my aunties got me some fairytale books by Andersen and Grimm.

Little Match Girl, that's the first thing that pops in my mind during the Christmas season.
The story of the poor girl overdosing herself to go to the heaven? (It's strange that Andersen's fairytale is more grim than Grimm's.)
A sad but beautiful story. Then again, most beautiful stories have sad element in them.

My auntie always used to give me a large slab of chocolate for the Christmas, with Santa and the rain deer embossed on it, probably imported from somewhere in the Europe.  The Andersen's story conjures up a completely different picture from that but I could still feel the same snowy 'White Christmas' of the Northern Europe.  The perfect Christmas.

I did Christmas decoration last Friday.  Very modestly, with a secondhand wreath and a tree-shaped ornament, and the small plastic  Christmas tree about 30 years old with some broken branches.

On the Christmas tree are angels, little soldiers, a santa, gnomes and little wooden toys dangling loosely on its fragile twigs. I'd never had one myself so this is the only Christmas tree I've ever had.  The Christmas tree that spent many Christmas with Ian, his mother and sister, just three of them after his dad died.

I'm not a Christian.
Do Japanese celebrate Christmas? Yes we do, but it is more of a special event for couples while over here it's the time you spend with your loved ones and friends.

One of my friends hate Christmas for its hypocritical side, where retail industry takes advantage on people's frame of mind during this season - more cheerful and generous, meaning more likely to go on a spending spree. Just like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Easter where all shops use the occasion to promote seasonal sales.

I'm not a Christian.
Still, there is something special about Christmas.
It brings more nice out of people, makes me see more nice in people and I feel my heart touched.


  1. そうです、あと少しでクリスマスです。それにしてもアンデルセンのおとぎ話がグリムのものより厳しいのは奇妙? そういえば「マッチ売りの少女」は、貧しい少女が売春させられる話が元ネタでしたっけ?!ちなみにグリム童話の「白雪姫」のほうも、たしか結婚式の日に継母によって惨殺されますよね。真っ赤に焼けた鉄の靴を履かされ、死ぬまで飛び跳ねさせられたんだとか。どちらも童話にしてはひどすぎる話かもしれません。(笑)

  2. ワン次郎さん、いらっしゃい。

  3. ふぅみんさんもオーストラリアの空の下。
