Sunday, November 14, 2010

Importance of space.

I had the ominous migraine this morning so I took precaution to not going to work.
My body has been struggling to adjust to the sudden weather changes, and so far nothing too drastic has happened. (Thank god.)


I didn't do much last few days, apart from changing the design of both Japanese and English blogs to something more flesh and uplifting, which is also easier to read the text. I hope both my blogs look a bit better.


What I've also done over a couple of weeks is changing the layout of my computer room and lounge. Previously those rooms felt a bit cramped and claustrophobic. Now it has the sense of space - actually the previous arrangement had more physical space, but strangely it looked rather...constricted, because furniture were so close from one to another.


Having the right amount of space makes you feel more comfortable.


Space could be quite deceptive.


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