Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's a sunny but windy day and...

My motivation has been low for a few days. I don't blame myself because I am still recovering from the food poisoning or virus infection of some sort, which was why I skipped my blog entries.

I could have kept writing about same old story about my daily routine.
On the other hand I don’t have anything creative to write about these days either, so I would rather talk about something extremely boring.

If you are a woman, every now and again you’d feel like wearing some nice dress for special occasions, even if the special occasion comes only once in a blue moon.
A dress can be pricey, for sure. The price of a good quality dress in Australia isn’t much different from that in Japan.
Since I work at an op-shop I can find nice dresses at very, very affordable prices. However, dresses in Australia are made big and long. Basically those simple dresses I like are scarcely available in my size. Not anymore.

Someone told me the other day the Australian Department Giant called Myers used to measure up the customers’ size. Well, a custom-made dress must cost fortune but it is nice to have a place that cater to all sizes and individual taste, isn’t it?

Yesterday I saw a small-size KOOKAI dress at the shop. It was NICE, I mean, REALLY NICE. I didn’t mind it at all. Plus it was perfect for me as far as the size matters, but it was made for a leggy chick, not for a woman with short chunky legs.

There are indeed retailers that sell small size clothes, but all those clothes are made of cheap n’ nasty fabric that rips and wears out too easily. Who’d wanna buy that sort of shit?

They say; “Sorry, we don’t have big demands for that size.”
Well, let me defend my dear Australia by saying that this trend is not limited to this country, but any capitalist countries. Put it this way. It’s all about the size of the market.

Too bad for me. Never mind. I will survive without a fancy dress.

Not everything was good. I was sick in my stomach for the last 3 days or so, but there was one heart-warming event happened yesterday. A nice lady at work gave me a seedling of mint. It’s so nice of her.

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