Monday, February 14, 2011

No Title.

For a long time I had had nothing exciting to write about. I still don’t.

There's no new menu on the dinner table. 
Talking of weather is getting tad boring. 
Getting up late feeling as if I have no energy at all - feeling low and fatigued.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s my medication making me drowsy.
Other time, I think it’s my slackness.
Now I can not even determine which one is the culprit.

I did practically nothing over last week apart from going to work.
The lounge is cluttered with Ian’s music gears.
It has transformed into something like a bachelor’s bungalow – I bet you'll have a picture in your head.
The sight of it is enough to de-motivate me to clean up the house.
Oh well, oh well, he will do it when he’s got time…means when?
I couldn’t be bothered to move that stuff.
The house is in the total mess.
Should I clean it?
Oh crap, I’ll wait until he moves those gears out of the room.

Surprisingly I had full of excuses for Not-To-Do things.
A bored wife going through the early pre-menopausal depression killing time snacking and watching TV…soon, all the alarming bells would start going off at once.

Four days ago,
I looked myself in the full-size mirror and noticed the flabbiness on my thighs and biceps. It looks imbalanced because the rest of my body is skinny as a rake.

Now, it’s the confession time.
I hadn’t been doing my daily exercise for quite some time, not even my pseudo yoga.
I looked horrible.

Three days ago, I’ve finally decided to do something with it.
And this was the plan. To get one thing done per day - Just ONE thing.

Day one. I wiped off the floor where the stubborn smears of glue were stuck over the large area in the doorway.
Day two. I did washing and aired doona during the day.
Day three. I plucked some weeds in the backyard and did some yoga exercise after god-knows-how-long.
Today. Cleaned the bathroom and went out for barbie in the park.

I still feel sluggish, but my motivation is definitely on its way back.

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