Thursday, April 19, 2018

How devastating.

It was yesterday I bought a multi-device keyboard, which was fairly reasonably priced and they said that it would work on pretty much everything, including my mobile, tablet and PC if it were compatible.

The main reason for buying it was I wanted to use my tablet more often, my first tablet PC came with detachable keyboard with mouse on the bottom like most other laptop computer.
I'm horrible at using that type of keyboard and after a while I stopped using the tablet often enough to worth my money.

So I was excited after successfully connecting it to my new keyboard. It worked fantastic!
It didn't work with my old PC though. It still runs on windows 7 and it doesn't have the latest version of bluetooth. (The one on my PC is Ver. 2.0) so it isn't compatible with many new devices. But it wasn't a big deal with me, I could probably buy a new CPU in a few years, and I love the way it works so well with my android phone as well. I'm hopeless with touch panel keyboard so things like writing a blog entry and emails used to be a nightmare task for me. I can't beleave how all those kids and young milennials type so fast with their two thumbs. But still, I can't connect a mouse with an android phone, so when I came back from work today I was so looking forward to use my tablet, AND it didn't work.

- Oh no, looks like there's a big crack on the bottom right side, had it been there for a while?

I thought.

- Probably it's only a cosmetic damage...

I hoped.

Then I realised that the touch panel wasn't responding at all. I couldn't even switch off the device.

Definitely the crack wasn't there last night. Somebody, surely killed my new friend.

Even though the overall price of all those tech devices are coming down recently, if you buy few things it all adds up to your annual expence.

If you have been using the same device for over 3 years, there's a good chance that it has compatibility issues with not just your other devices, but could cause problem with windows updates or adobe updates.
They really make you spend your money, hey?
These days tax returns, payroll, police check and banking are mostly done online. Once upon a time having a mobile phone and a PC wasn't a necessity. But nowadays, it is. When I went to a bank in Japan, some of the procedures were only supposed to be done online, and I didn't have an easy access to internet because I was just visiting and wifi didn't work very well either (because my android phone at that time was a few years old).
Now imagine you can't use your PC or your phone died. You are pretty much fucked. Oh, that's right, you can still go to your local library to use internet. However nothing changes the fact that we have become so completely dependent on the technology.

I am thinking.

Should I take my broken tablet to a repair guy, or buy a new one between 200 and 300 dollars? Or if I leave the tablet overnight, maybe, just maybe, it fixes itself?

Dream on, girl.

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