Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life is.

Life is a repetition of ups and downs, like happenings on the stock market.
Difference is, you can’t sell your life before it goes down.
It’s not the end until your life ends and, whether it’s the good news or bad depends on how you perceive it.

Life is the series of recurring negative events but also can be of recurring positive events.

The whole “Life is…” thing, although sometimes I think it's full of crap,
I often use it to somehow coming to terms with my day-to-day happenings.
When I get over-confident and cocky, I would tell myself that what goes up comes down, and when I feel down, 'it’ll go back up' vice versa.

Pretty philosophical ain’t I?
But, what about believing in myself?

What you dream comes true.
What you fear comes true.

Do I have a dream?
If I do, is it something I desperately want? "..."
No?, then what’s left is intangible fear.
Don’t fear girl, else it’ll come true.
I feel a bit lost, eternally wondering what the right thing is to do, or if I’m doing something I shouldn’t be.
…Things happen for a reason…is another well-known saying, but who cares?
What matters to me NOW is to survive.
Yes, it’s all about survival.
Agh, I hate playing game to survive, though I have to in the real world.
How nice would it be if I could let my mind drift in the dream world, and do not have to worry about depressing situations that often arise?

Hmph! I won’t bother.
Let whatever happens happen.

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