Sunday, November 14, 2010

What should I do? - どうしよう。

Yesterday I was held by boss before going home and asked if I could be the supervisor once a week. I said I'd think about it. It's not like I'm gonna get paid, it only means that I'll have more responsibility on my shoulder.
Since I was expecting to hear something else (Boss approached me in the ominous fashion. He went on like, 'can I have a word with you?') I was stupefied and forgot to be shocked.


While I have this paranoia in my mind that some people may sneer at me because I'm an non-native, an Asian and have merely one year experience, I also know that I'd like to give it a shot. You see, this experience will make my resume look good when the time comes for me to apply for a paid job.


I tell myself, 'Come on, it's just another volunteer position'. The problem is that the politics is still there.
Is the time right? Shouldn't I wait a bit longer? Or was the chance meant to come at this time?


Discrimination exists - no matter where you go. I had been thinking that I was toughened up from the past experiences, but now I'm not so sure now.


I'm so grateful for my boss/ other supervisors' faith in me, on the other hand, I'm scared to hell about the potential animosity from other people.
Maybe I'm worrying too much. Hey you'll never know. It may not all okay...they are good people and I may be able to handle it by not being too cocky or bossy.


God, I'll have to answer tomorrow...


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