Sunday, November 14, 2010

Degrees of hardship.

I got up about mid-day after sleeping nearly a half day. I didn't realise that I was so tired. Suddenly the weather turned sunny and hot that made me feel extremely woozy (especially after cool days in Tasmania). Hope this weather trend won't last much longer.


I was feeling low yesterday, and feeling sluggish today. So tomorrow I need to finally do something uplifting. Eating healthy and do some exercise will help me I bet.
Apart from the fried eggplants and daikon raddish with sweet bean paste I ate this afternoon, all I've been eating is rice and noodle. No wonder why I'm feeling like this.


It's amazing that my body reacts so quickly to such as weather condition and lack of nutrition. I had thought I could pass a few days by eating 2 minutes noodles till hubby comes back. That makes me think about not-so-lucky people living in developing countries. Just to imagine living without clean drinking water and food under the extreme heat (if they are in Africa for example) leaves me wonder how much harder it would be if I were living under the same condition. For me it's an option if I want to starve myself to lose weight.


Of course everyone has something emotionally hard to go through to varied degrees at every stages of life, but it's still nowhere near the combination of both emotional burdens and the harsh living condition.


It's no denying that there are pains I suffer, but I'm lucky that I have only my epilepsy to worry about most of the time.


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