Saturday, November 13, 2010

Not a Good Sign.

After staying up all night on Saturday, my body balance started to break down.
I was exhausted all day on Sunday and sick all day yesterday. Damn, I asked for it.

It was long since I had my last episode, and I was prepared for another one.
It didn't happen, but I would've definitely had a grandmal if I had tried to push my limit. I'm just glad I didn't wrap myself up in the list of things I planned to do yesterday and went along with whatever my body asked.

The maintenance guy was here yesterday morning, but I couldn't communicate well with him at my confused state of mind. I was sort of disoriented.
I feel a bit better today but still feel a little queasy.

My immune system is not functioning well, I have been flu-ish for what feels like forever. It bugs's winter, and to a certain point, it's inevitable.
But I'll have to come up with some sort of health regimen...

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