Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I just don't get it.
Kevin Rudd shouldn't come back as the prime minister.
Why do people still believe that Kevin would make a better prime minister than PM Gillard?
Every time she tries to do the right thing, someone criticizes or gets in her way to sabotage the plan. Don't anyone think something smells funny?
Australia's a bloody sexist country. Yep, blokes' world with probably more in-closet chauvinists than Asia. Not just that, there are millions of women who hate other high-achieving women.
I see them everywhere.

Just get over it.
All those people who didn't want boat people to come near Australian shore suddenly are turning softie humanitarians and against the idea of the Gillard government trying to re-open the detention centre in Nauru and Malaysia solution.
There is no damn humane solution to stop the illegal immigrants from coming to Australia. Only way to stop the boats from arriving is a TOUGH solution.

Also, to anyone who believes Tony Speedo Abbot can actually repeal the carbon tax, or Kevin Rudd can do that - don't you see that it is a massive bullshit? Sooner or later the carbon tax would've been introduced and it just happened to be Julia Gillard who's done it and that's all, someone would've had to do it anyway whether it's popular or not.
When Kevin Rudd was the prime minister and was pushing the idea of carbon tax, the petrol price was record high, so was the government debt and it just wasn't the right time.
Sure, the bill gets higher, which would've happened even without carbon tax - not one of us wants to pay higher energy bills, but the introduction of this tax was a matter of when rather than if. She just did it because she believed she had to do it, because she thought it was the right thing to do.
She saved the future prime minister's arse by being the bad guy - and no one wants to be a bad guy or courageous enough to be a bad guy. Scumbag energy companies and whoever becomes a prime minister after her can pass the buck on her and the general public will blame her for all the unpopular political decisions.

I can see Julia Gillard working her guts out, and yet her effort coming to nothing, not being able to win supports from discriminatory large demographic of this country, which seems to be taking a heavy toll on her psych from the looks of her.
No, don't back off Julia.
You deserve better.
Way, way better.

Or maybe, Australia will finally come to appreciate you when you're long gone.
I guess that Australians are not quite ready for a gutsy red-haired female prime minister yet.

Sorry, I've ranted too much and too loud.

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