Saturday, November 13, 2010

Late Night Reading.

'I've been skipping the English pronunciation exercise for a while', I thought as I was watching channel 7 last night. So I took my voice recorder out of the chest of drawer and looked for something to read.

The book I picked was "The Self-Destruction Handbook". Of course the author isn't serious. It's all piss-take of those self-help guidebooks that are flooding in the market. (and I've got some of them, too. Such as Dr. Pill (sorry, I think I got the name wrong.))

Just as I said, it's not meant to be taken seriously, it's so absurd and you'd lol for sure, and yet, it's strangely compelling...because it guides you and challenges you, HOW FAR YOU CAN GO to destroy yourself.
If in any chance you get tempted into trying some of the help-tips, for fun, out of curiosity, this book is a potentially dangerous catalyst (:@)
You'd have to be the right audience in order to find it nothing more than a hilarious rubbish.

As you may guess from the photos above, the contents are fair bit controversial for us Japanese - unthinkable, almost. But these things actually happen here...not very often but.

Occasional LOL guaranteed.

The next book I chose was Richard McLean's "Recovered, not cured".

This is a self-expose book written by the artist who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.
The ex-dope addict started hearing voices, it seemed like just another drug-induced illusion at start, but as the symptoms progressed, he increasingly became delusional. Those delusions to him felt so real and he began to suspect there's some evil conspiracy going on.

He was aware that there was something definitely wrong, but he couldn't trust anyone, because everyone around him was part of the conspiracy against him...another delusion.
The journey from the onset of symptom, to the gradual deterioration, to the struggles with the voice within his head and to the slow development of the trusting relationship with his doctor, is so painful and moving.
There are a few postings sent to him shown in the book, too. At times these postings reveal the inner voice that patients are hearing.
Richard, the author was determined to get himself back on track, and somehow recovered with the help of medication. Not cured.

This book uses his artworks effectively to show the flame of his mind at each particular moment. These are not quite aesthetic pieces but really something.

When I was in the writing course there was this schizophrenic guy who wrote some really violent, sexual stuff, a bit like Brett Easton Ellis.
Most of my classmates couldn't accept his style, as it was the very revelation of his delusion. But I personally find it very powerful and gripping.

Years later, my friend bumped into him in a suburb called Fitzroy.
Just like Richard who wrote this book, he got his life back on track with the help of medication. (I also have a good friend who developed this condition, at the worst time it was so painful to hear her talking, and I didn't know what her problem was until I read this book. Now she's recovered.)

Humans have many potentials,
Sometimes it's the ultimate enlightment,
or ultimate self-destruction,
Or simply being aware of yourself and living your own life.

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