Saturday, November 13, 2010

From Melbourne to Japan, Enjoy the Feel of Freezing Air

I find Melbourne's winter particularly cold this year.
It's the first time in 9 years I felt my fingers paralyse with cold.

Of course it is different from the winter in Japan where the air so crisp and sharp, feels as if it could cut into my skin.

Still, seeing a thin blanket of frost covering the grass around 9am in the morning, is refreshing.

My granny had a sizable vegie patch in our backyard.
When the winter came, the frost crystals used to grow around 1cm long and dug deep into the soil. I enjoyed the sound of them breaking and the feeling as they cracked at my footsteps.

When was the last time I went back to Japan in the wintertime?

Just a few days ago I talked to my mother-in-law on the phone.
According to what she told me, there are some snowfalls in southern part and mountainside of Tasmania.
Hobart also had a snowfall for the first time since 1986.

I wondered if Tassie winter is similar to that in Japan.
Hubby even told me the story about the frost crystals.

It's been freezing this winter.
I'm secretly waiting for the snowfall.
How amazing it would be to see the snow in Melbourne!, I think as I shiver inside my coat.
Last time Melbourne had a snowfall was 50 years ago.
Actually there was a light snowfall in some outer suburbs of Melbourne, from what I've heard.

Meanwhile, I stay in the lounge and curls up in front of the heater with a book in my hands.
Soon I'd start dozing off,
and before I know it, I'd be drooling with my book open.

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