Saturday, March 26, 2011

Freaky fluke.

It has been a long time since I last updated my blog.
I know, it was nearly one month ago.
I still haven’t got around to editing the rest of my short story.
Meanwhile, too many sad news came along my way.

Earthquakes, floods and people around me dying all happened at once, as if it were a chain of freaky coincidences.

Maybe it has something to do with the strong lunar energy around 18th of March, when moon came closest to earth in 18 years. Or it could be the ominous sign of “end of the world” like some say. In the worst case scenario, predicted a friend of mine that the world comes to end within 5 years.

The number of catastrophes happening around the world is too alarming to pass it as just fluke tragedies.

Whatever starts must end.
There was an advanced civilization long before the emergence of the Neanderthal, said Charles Berlitz in his book “the Bermuda triangle” first published in 1975.
The human civilization ended once, due to the balance of environmental system collapsed. The obsession for the technological advancements led to human being destroying themselves.
What’s happening now looks worryingly resembled to what presumably took place tens of thousands of years ago.

When one dies, I believe, the soul goes back to where it came from – the universe.
Even if the life ends and the soul coming out of its body, the spirit goes afloat in the space somewhere and enters into the body again when it’s ready to restart a life from scratch.
We all make mistakes, we often say.
However, some of which are irreversible and deadly.

Are we going to make the same mistakes that humans from the lost civilization made?
Is it too late to make the miracle happen?

The prayers to god may not be enough to save the world.

I'd have to bitterly admit:
We can't go backwards.
We are too used to the convenience which we take for granted.
I won't say it is a futile effort that the world is now making.
Not one effort is a waste of time and money.

But - if the human civilization to end once again, it will give the nature to rejuvenate and create the ideal balance that living creatures require to survive.

I will, in the meantime, live my life the best I can, be happy and content, take my part in saving natural resources and let the fate take its course.

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