Friday, January 14, 2011

Thoughts going on in my mind...

We all have strengths and weaknesses.
Ian's is Farmer's Union Iced Coffee. He just can't seem to live without it.
I can suggest him to cut down on the amount, but I can't push him to stop.

My weaknesses is lack of motivation and commitment, which I often have to remind myself.

There are things that I can't solve.
I can work on my problem as long as that's coming from my own doing,
When someone else is having a problem, I think my helping power is limited.
It's sort of depends on what kind of problem it is and what kind of person that I'm trying to help.

I'm not perfect and no one can expect me to be I won't expect you to be perfect either.
But I can't live without you and I would rather live with you with your small problems.

With the recent floods in Queensland, there are few things I will do to help, but still, my power is limited.
No matter how bad it is, it's one of those things that no one can control.
Nature gives you the pleasure as well as torture.

We can't live without it, and we have to live with it.

We're lucky just to be alive and still have things to smile about.

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