Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Backlash on Julia?

Poor Julia,

When she first became the Prime Minister, I wasn’t so excited.

Now, many people call her “Labour’s puppet”. But PMs are puppets no matter where you go, aren’t they? It’s people behind the leader who’s really running the show, isn’t it, always?

No one can get everything s/he wants, and people’s wants and needs differ from one another, thus no one can satisfy everyone.
It’s a cliché that is also true.

There has been relentless online bully against Julia Gillard. – Well, maybe ‘bully’ is too strong a word, but that’s precisely how it feels like.
She's joke, incompetent and amateur...such words go on and on and on...

She’s doing her job, one by one, where her every single action will be harshly critizised. And those ‘criticisms’ are not constructive, either.

Now she’s taken her first step by getting the approval for the mining tax, which of course wasn’t perfect, but realistic enough.

The initial plan of 40% super resources tax was cut by 10% after the negotiation. As a result the promised tax-cut for Company Tax was reduced by 1% (30% - 29% instead of 30% - 28%), to cover the loss.

There will be no tax cuts for average Australians until the revenue turns to surplus.
It sounds clever enough to me – otherwise the government would’ve ended up racking up even more debt in the next few years. Overseas buyers are happy with the agreed tax rate, which means, I guess, they will keep buying resources from Australia, don’t they – do Australians seriously want to lose the crucial source of $$$?

The next challenge is border security issue.
That’s even tougher challenge. Many people don’t want any more population rise caused by boat people – while humanitarians want soft approach to those people.

Now liberal party is blaming her for stealing their ‘pacific solution’ plan, but I don’t know what their point is. It’s about keeping the country from getting over-populated, so all it should matter is whether it works or not. If it doesn’t, try something else - ideally both parties working together on this tough issue. I doubt if there is any humane way to stop boat people from coming to Australia. Most probably there is no ‘perfect’ solution.

So far, I think she’s been doing a good job - her approach seems to be more realistic and balanced. Past is past.
Sure, she’s made some big mistakes while K-Rudd was still in power, but one can learn from previous mistakes, isn’t that right?

I just can’t help wondering if all those blunders targeting her are due to personal preference. It's still premature to judge if she's truly 'incompetent'.

If I were an Australian, I would definitely give her a chance.

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